A spirited journey through the world of collectible artisan puzzles
Pairing craft cocktails with crafty puzzles

Mona Lisa Smile
Incisors, canines, premolars or molars, pick your favorite out of thirty two choices.

CORVI 2020
Of course everyone responds to a pandemic in their own way. If you happen to be an Australian dentist with lots of drills and no teeth in sight, you start dreaming about a virus puzzle.

Humpty Dumpty
Over the next few weeks I’ll be taking you on an adventure down the rabbit hole. Many have heard tales of this fabled project, and it is time to celebrate the makers. It all begins at Christ Church, Oxford, in the afternoon on Jul 4, 1862.

Humpty Egg
Let’s start simply, by mentioning the fact that the talented Dr. Stephen Chin, diabolical dentist by day and wily woodturner by weekend, is rather fond of making puzzle eggs.

Ze Genie Bottle
Sometimes, it’s rather useful to have a genie lamp handy. It may not actually produce any genies, or grant wishes, but you never know. Stephen Chin, the master of the lathe, worked some impressive magic with his “Ze Genie Bottle”, which he produced for the 2017 International Puzzle Party.

Drunken Dancing Fraulein
I’m turning upside down with this post as well and channeling my friendly dentist from down under, that madman of mechanical mischief, the Leonardo with a lathe, puzzle maker Stephen Chin.

Ze Super Pen
Stephen Chin, the madman wood turner well known for making tippy tops, whistles, eggs and spheres out of beautiful wood has set his considerable talent to fine writing implements as well.

Stephen Chin puzzles often carry a few of his hallmarks, including tiny electronic lights and sounds which are triggered when the puzzle has been solved. He is also quite fond of whistles and spinning tops. And his puzzles are often wrapped up in a cute sock. Odd?

Pinko Ringo / Ze Orange
This time the fruits of his labor have yielded an orange, complete with a silver stem. It’s a lovely piece of art and would be perfectly satisfying as an exceptionally skillful bit of wood turning, complete with textured skin.