A spirited journey through the world of collectible artisan puzzles
Pairing craft cocktails with crafty puzzles
Birthday Surprise
The “Birthday Surprise” is a very limited edition, sequential discovery puzzle box which holds a surprising reward, should you be clever enough to find it, perfectly protected inside.
Quartet Box
The follow up puzzle to the Ixia Flower Box also utilizes the cutoffs from other productions that Juno hated to waste. He created little flowers on the Ixia box with them, and he created outright gears for the Quartet Box.
Popplock T11
Rainer Popp is a German craftsman who has turned his passion for restoring and collecting vintage antique locks into his own brand of modern day puzzle locks. Because of his skill and creativity, many believe that he is the greatest puzzle lock maker living today.
Ze Super Pen
Stephen Chin, the madman wood turner well known for making tippy tops, whistles, eggs and spheres out of beautiful wood has set his considerable talent to fine writing implements as well.
Blackjack Cake
Blackjack Cake is an innocent and tempting looking treat. It appears to be a chocolate layer cake with a splash of chocolatey sauce drizzled over top and oozing down the sides.
The Turing Chest
Art Deco meets Japanese tradition in this masterpiece by Nicholas Phillips. Nicholas is an American furniture maker and woodworker, who holds a PhD in theoretical physics and worked as a mathematician with NASA for much of his life.
The Apothecary Chest
Robert Yarger is a modern day puzzle box apothecary, producing the equivalent of such enrichment in wood.