A spirited journey through the world of collectible artisan puzzles
Pairing craft cocktails with crafty puzzles
Haleslock 4
I’ve extolled Shane’s virtues as a brilliant carpenter and locksmith before, but he has some newly acquired credentials as well now. He recently joined the ranks of the prestigious U.K. Master Locksmith Association, and has started his own locksmithing business.
Unlocked Drawer
For this April Fool’s Day I’m turning to one of my favorite groups of fine folks, the local Texas talents of Kathleen Malcolmson, Perry McDaniel, and Robert Sandfield. Together they produced a classic little conundrum which purports to be nothing of the sort.
Spring Night
In Japan, the frog is a common symbol of spring, perhaps due to the many species which erupt in song all throughout the rice fields this time of year.
The Kidnapped Crossworder
“The Kidnapped Crossworder” is a self-contained mystery puzzle in a box, delivered to your door by the “Armchair Detective Company”, the brainchild of three interactive media artists who have teamed up to create a fabulous experience.
Yin Yang Master
The Yin Yang Master Puzzlebox by Randal Gatewood completes a cycle of its own, and represents a celebration of a life and a tribute for a death.
Double Box
What’s better than a single puzzle box? Why, a double dose, of course. And who better that Akio Kamei to provide this double delight.
Petit Four Puzzle Boxes
Perry McDaniel hails from Midlothian Texas, just shy of Dallas. He is a master joiner, precision woodworker and Incra magician. He is also a brilliant puzzle box designer.
Secret Heart
I’ve got a broken heart this year for Valentine’s Day. Don’t feel too bad for me, though - I’m only talking about a puzzle box.
See a star and think
The stars evoke a universal feeling of wonder and awe, and provide a common global reference point reminding us all of our humble place in the universe.
Ze Super Pen
Stephen Chin, the madman wood turner well known for making tippy tops, whistles, eggs and spheres out of beautiful wood has set his considerable talent to fine writing implements as well.
Three Penny Box
Penny for your thoughts? In fact, here’s three, in case you have a few. To prepare ourselves for this payment let’s travel back to the year 1728 and listen to the “Beggar’s Opera” for some puzzling inspiration.
Oak Wood Slide Box
The original run of “Oak Wood Slide” boxes (what would become The Stickman No. 1 Puzzle Box) were fashioned from scrap wood Robert had about his shop and as such were rustic in appearance and varied in shape and size.
Snowflake Box
The Snowflake Box (Stickman No. 9) was designed with the idea of making a puzzle box tree ornament. It’s a lovely little box attached to a loop and would look nice on anyone’s tree.
Blackjack Cake
Blackjack Cake is an innocent and tempting looking treat. It appears to be a chocolate layer cake with a splash of chocolatey sauce drizzled over top and oozing down the sides.
The Turing Chest
Art Deco meets Japanese tradition in this masterpiece by Nicholas Phillips. Nicholas is an American furniture maker and woodworker, who holds a PhD in theoretical physics and worked as a mathematician with NASA for much of his life.