Hotto Campari
Hotto Campari by Julia Momose
The current weather demands something warm, and that’s just what we will employ to get toasty with while toasting this adorable Snowman. You can create a tasty cold weather cocktail from almost any spirit by adding some lemon, honey and hot water to make a “toddy”. Most hot toddies have whiskey or rum, and if you want to be ultra decadent you can add a “batter” of butter and sugar to make it “hot buttered”. In Japan, they have a little know insider tradition of making a hot toddy with Campari! Imagine a hot drink with that bright red bitter aperitif so familiar in the Americano and Negroni. Intrigued? Try it with some lemon, honey, hot water and see for yourself.
warm up with a Campari toddy
Or you can go all out with this incredibly delicious recipe from award winning Japanese American bartender Julia Momose, owner of Chicago’s outstanding restaurant bar Kumiko and author of The Way of the Cocktail, where this drink is featured. She adds a healthy dose of a specific type of korui shochu, Awa No Kaori Sudachi Chu, which lends a specific citrus flavor but is likely hard to source for most at home. I substituted a caraway forward aquavit, which creates a different drink but compliments the other interesting ingredient, Kummel, very nicely. Kummel is a predominantly German liqueur (which originated in the Netherlands and then gained prominence in Russia) made from infusions of caraway, coriander or cumin, and fennel. It may sound strange but is a really interesting spirit that can lend quite unique flavors to the right drink, and it works so well in this one. It should be readily available to purchase in most areas but is easy to make at home as well, by infusing those spices into neutral grain spirit or vodka. There are plenty of easy recipes available online if you are feeling adventurous. This is one of the most unusual, delicious and surprising drinks I’ve made in some time and really hit the spot on a cold night. Cheers!
a cozy pair
Hotto Campari adapted from Julia Momose
1 oz Campari
¾ oz aquavit
1 barspoon Kummel liqueur
¼ oz fresh lemon
½ oz rich honey syrup (2 parts honey:1 part hot water)
3 to 4 oz hot water
Add initial ingredients to a teacup and top with the hot water. Stir gently. Express a lemon peel over the drink and garnish.
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