Nail Trick
“Nail Trick” cocktail
Speaking of twists on old classics, there has been a growing interest in non-alcoholic spirits in the last few years, using various distillation and extraction techniques. One of the earliest companies to do this well is Seedlip, whose head distiller relies on techniques and recipes from a 1651 book about herbal medicine by John French called The Art of Distillation. Using these age old methods and real copper pot stills, he has created a series of distilled non-alcoholic spirits using farm grown botanicals and herbs that each evoke a distinct profile. They may be reminiscent of common alcoholic spirits, but are not meant to be compared directly. Their “Spice” spirit is full of cardamom, allspice and citrus.
This nail won’t get hammered
Another company making waves (and winning awards) in the non-alcoholic spirits space is Lyre’s, whose range of offerings is directly meant to mimic their alcoholic doppelgangers. The Australian brand is named after the Lyre bird, a true imposter that can mimic the cries of twenty other birds. I’ve been on a quest to create a non-alcoholic daiquiri (rum, lime, simple syrup) that is hard to distinguish from the real thing, and I think I’ve finally nailed it using a combination of Seedlip Spice and Lyre’s spiced rum substitute. There’s also a delicious coconut and cucumber syrup in there that doesn’t hurt either. The drink is without question the tastiest “zero-proof” cocktail I’ve ever made, and offers a new twist for anyone looking for a way to enjoy a drink while staying healthy. Cheers!
This pair really nails it
Nail Trick
1 oz Seedlip Spice
1 oz Lyre’s Spiced Cane Sugar spirit
¾ oz lime
¼ oz orange
¾ oz cucumber coconut syrup
Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a favorite glass. Garnish with a nail trick lime wedge.
Cucumber coconut syrup: Measure equal parts coconut water and sugar, and blend with half a peeled cucumber per 1 cup liquid. Strain and bottle for use.
Explore more non-alcoholic cocktails